Security Checkpoint
The Digimon Trading Card Game is a disease. Most of us are immune to it's tricks, but, some of us are begging for a cure. We, JB and Nolan, navigate what it's like to be infected by the gripping claws of the memory gauge, the evo system, and Marcus Damon. Some weeks we are really good at dealing with this plague and are ready to talk about every other tcg you've never heard of, and Goku. Let's talk cardboard baby
Security Checkpoint
Security Checkpoint 21: Ban List, Store Champs, and Some Spoilers
We recorded in California, where the laws are different. But what we didn't expect is that the Digimon are different too! This episode we recap our runs at a store championship, go over the new ban lists and engage with the discourse surrounding it, and then look at some cards from waaaaay too far ahead for us to reasonably talk about. We're having fun. It's Nolan's birthday.
[THE DAY AFTER we recorded this, some cards we said didn't exist became a reality. We're used to being immediately proven wrong at this point.]
other notes: the Donkey Konga, the giggly stuff, and a bit of theorycrafting
logo by Galaxy Senpai
editing by JB Brinks
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