Security Checkpoint
The Digimon Trading Card Game is a disease. Most of us are immune to it's tricks, but, some of us are begging for a cure. We, JB and Nolan, navigate what it's like to be infected by the gripping claws of the memory gauge, the evo system, and Marcus Damon. Some weeks we are really good at dealing with this plague and are ready to talk about every other tcg you've never heard of, and Goku. Let's talk cardboard baby
Security Checkpoint
Security Checkpoint 30: Baggage Claim
This time is different. How? Okay, you got me. It's mostly regular.
We do some meditation on tournament play, dream up an alternate digimon format, and take a glimpse at the game's bright future in yellow/green level 6s. But then we talk about Medabots for way longer than anyone should. Finally we premiere our new podcast Baggage Claim and let me tell you- it's not bad.
other notes: don't play this game at work, quantum mechanics, and have you seen my agumon he isnt in any of my starting hands