Security Checkpoint
The Digimon Trading Card Game is a disease. Most of us are immune to it's tricks, but, some of us are begging for a cure. We, JB and Nolan, navigate what it's like to be infected by the gripping claws of the memory gauge, the evo system, and Marcus Damon. Some weeks we are really good at dealing with this plague and are ready to talk about every other tcg you've never heard of, and Goku. Let's talk cardboard baby
Security Checkpoint
Security Checkpoint 34.5: Tournament Check In
JB Brinks & Nolan Lee
This week is a halfsie, next week we'll post another! Okay? It's not weird.
We've finally made decisions, we've finally done some testing. We're locked and loaded. Let the chips fall where they may, for luck belongs to those with hands to grab it.
no other notes, i'm busy, i need answers